5 Best Mountain Bike Under $600 | Our Top Pick 2020

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The mountain bikes, mountain bikes, road bikes (BTT), as they are also known, are specially designed bikes to cycle through all types of terrain, so they have different characteristics than conventional bicycles; they have a better suspension; To withstand impacts with obstacles such as stones, potholes, etc., the frame is different, the mtb wheels are larger and more voluminous (this makes a more solid traction possible), it has more powerful brakes. Equally, these bikes are also different in terms of resistance and design, they are very versatile and comfortable to cover difficult terrain.


The bicycle suspension refers to a set of elements whose function is to cushion impacts to both the bike and the user. Most mountain bikes have a suspension that allows them to cross uneven terrain as it protects the cyclist from vibrations produced by the rubbing of the bike wheels with the ground. Likewise, it absorbs the impacts generated in jumps and potholes. In the event that the mountain bikes did not have a suspension, they would increase the chances that the cyclists presented some type of injury, making it a very important component.

Because there are several types of mountain biking, likewise, there are many types of mountain bikes with different characteristics.


The fork is the element that supports the front wheel, it is one of the most important components of the bike as it contributes to its damping .

Hard tail

Mountain bike hardtails only have suspension at the front; mounted on the fork, they have no suspension at the rear, so this part is called “hard rear” hence its name.

Types of use

To choose the right suspension for the bicycle, it is important that you take into account the type of mtb that you are going to practice.


Previously, the wheel size of mountain bikes was the same; 26 inches in diameter. Over time, larger diameter mtb wheels were manufactured.
Currently, the main measurements of the wheels of mountain bikes are 26 “, 27.5” and 29 “.


There are a wide variety of bicycle tires, with different sizes and profiles. Over time, the tires have widened, the wider tires provide plenty of traction and a smoother ride. However, they create more resistance on the climbs.

Frame geometry
The geometry of the mtb frame changes from one model to another. There are several measures that make up the frame geometry: the wheelbase, the steering angle, the seat tube, the length of the pods, the height of the bottom bracket, among others.

The brake system is a very important factor to consider when you go to buy a mountain bike, a safe and efficient brake system is required.

There are several types of brakes: cantilever, V-brake, mechanical disc brakes and hydraulic disc brakes.

Speeds and Transmission Ratio
By multiplying the number of chainrings on your bike by the number of sprockets, the different speeds are generated . For example, if a bicycle has a 9-pin cassette with a 2-chainring crank, it would have 18 speeds.

Controls for gears and brakes are installed on the handlebar , or handlebar as it is also known. If the stem is long, it places more weight on the front wheel, while if the stem is short it offers faster steering.

Saddles or seats made with a gel interior and the widest ones are generally the most comfortable, comfort is essential to have an excellent experience every time you get on the bike. The seat is fixed to the seat post , it is important that the seat post is strong.

It is advisable to have automatic mtb pedals , although they require buying special mtb shoes, but it is worth the expense.

Created By Review Aid

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