Bike Oakland hills to the LDS Church, Citizenship ending

2019-08-14: 12.4 mile, 1160 ft elevation, exploration on my commute to check out the Lincoln Highlands area around the giant LDS Church on the hill.
55th Ave to MacArthur Blvd, High St to Bayo St, Then taking Wisconsin St across 35th Ave to see if there’s any easier route up to Montclair. The answer is “no”. Morgan Ave, Barner Ave, Alida St, Charleston St, Laguna Ave, Alida St again, and Lincoln Ave on up to snoop around The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Then I should have stayed on the Monterey Blvd side of Hwy 15, but I went to the Mountain Blvd side and rode that to Montclair where it magically becomes Moraga Ave. Folow that up and then down, down, down to Grand Ave for more down, down, down, ending at Broadway & 20th St where there is a giant queue building at the Paramount Theater for a Naturalization / Citizenship ceremony.

Created By SF Bay Area Bicycle

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