Caving on Mt Wellington Tasmania


Please Subscribe to my Channel so you don’t miss out on my up coming films
(off Track films) started making Dirt bike films for YouTube in 2018 and We push to bring the best possible quality films to or viewers that we can.!

Most of our films are in Conjunction with MERC
Motorcycle Enduro Riders Club, Southern Junior Dirt Bike Club and Old farts Motorcycle Clubs.

Also filming fun days out in the Beautiful Tasmanian Wilderness,
I’m also Bringing to my viewers the relationship between father and son and the Hurdles we cross growing up riding Dirt Bikes. We Film using any Camera Possible Including DJI Phantom, Spark and GOPRO sometimes filming in 4K but 1080P is our bench mark setting.

Hope you enjoy.!!
Please Give the thumbs up, comment and don’t forget to Subscribe.!
Our other Channel (Southern Tas Climbers)

Shows the absolutely Mad world of Tree Work Tasmania, with over 1100 subscribers and getting over 18,000 views on some video’s
If you would like to check out our other YouTube Page…
(Southern Tas Climbers) click on the link below…

Thanks for checking us out.!!


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