Green Mountain Transit Authority | Wikipedia audio article

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00:01:13 1 Route list
00:01:22 2 Fares
00:01:58 2.1 Capital District, Mad River Valley and Stowe/Lamoille
00:02:48 2.2 Franklin/Grand Isle

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Speaking Rate: 0.8147121529809235
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-A

“I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.”
– Socrates

Green Mountain Transit Agency (GMTA) provides public transportation in central Vermont, specifically in Washington and Lamoille counties and parts of Orange County, expanding in 2009 to include Franklin and Grand Isle counties. Their bus routes connect the Capital District, Stowe, Lamoille Valley and the Mad River Valley.GMTA had an annual ridership of 290,000 in fiscal year 2010, an average of 795 riders, 34 people per route, daily. There are 73 vehicles in their fleet, all of which have bike racks and are wheelchair accessible.Trip planning is also available on all GMTA routes on Google Maps.On January 22, 2016, it was announced that the Chittenden County Transportation Authority will be renamed to Green Mountain Transit, completing a merger with the Green Mountain Transit Authority to become a regional system. As of October 2016, the merger has been completed.

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