Electronic Bike Made by Mechanical Engg from visweswarayara collge of engg &technology

An electric bicycle also known as (fabrication of Solar e-bike) is a bicycle with an integrated electric motor which can be used for propulsion. Many kinds of e-bikes are available worldwide, from e-bikes that only have a small motor to assist the rider’s pedal-power (i.e., (pedelecs) to somewhat more powerful e-bikes which tend closer to moped-style functionality: all, however, retain the ability to be pedalled by the rider and are therefore not electric motorcycles.
Which runs with solar Energy (Reneweble resource )
Main aim of this bike to avoid the Sound And air Pollusion.

This Project done by k.Srikanth , sitaram,k.suresh, A.Suresh, Gopinaik, Vamshi. Upendher .Parsuram .A.Venkatesh.Venkatesh(Laddu).Prashanth.Nithesh Prajapathi
We would like to say thank to Our Mangement and faculty and my team members who had to support to out untill its compite

Created By Pakkinti kaburlu

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